Travis Hagey’s lab
SICB 2025
The SICB conference (Society for Integrative Comparative Biology) was a busy one this year! Working with Dr. Burnes, we brought five MUW students with us to Atlanta. MUW students Cain Petty, Zarin Raya, and Billy Hufton all presented posters, and Ethan Wilkins and...
Senior Seminar Fall 2024 poster session
In addition to all of our guest speakers in our Senior Seminar course for Biology majors (BS 400), last week students presented posters they had made to other students and faculty in the department. As the students’ final project in the course, students found a...
Pie your professor for Octoberfest
To celebrate Octoberfest and Halloween last week on campus, students set up a “pie your professor”...
I am very excited to announce that my NSF CAREER proposal has been approved for funding! See the MUW press release here and our local newspaper, the Commercial Dispatch's article here. According to NSF’s website: "The Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program...
Columbus Air Force Base STEM Expo
This week we participated in the Columbus Air Force Base STEM Expo, running a MUW biology booth for over 2000 visiting middle and high school students! It was a busy morning and afternoon! Dr. Moore and Dr. Onyeagucha ran a booth with MUW swag. Mr. Dodson and I ran a...