Travis Hagey’s lab

Biomechanics Bibliography
For anyone looking to put together a biomechanics course or just interested in an introduction to comparative or evolutionary biomechanics, check out my peer-reviewed bibliography on Evolutionary Biomechanics now available on the Oxford Bibliography website (DOI:...

Student Poster Funding
I'm excited to share that our MUW Faculty Senate Foundation Endowment Fund B proposal to cover the costs of student posters has been approved! At the conclusion of my BSB 485 Special Topics course on Biomechanics, students will build and present a poster sharing the...

Skyping with Scientists
As part of my BSB 485 Special Topics course on biomechanics this semester, I arranged for the class to Skype with scientists from the US and the UK doing research relevant to the class. I very intentionally reached out to a set of female scientists to invite to speak...

Mississippi University for Women
I'm looking forward to joining the Department of Sciences and Mathematics at MUW this fall! I'll be starting out covering some introductory biology lab sections and my very own 400 level special topics course on biomechanics. I'll also be on the lookout for student...