Travis Hagey’s lab

October Outreach

October Outreach

This week I was lucky enough to be involved with two different public engagement activities! Last weekend I gave a public seminar at a local coffee shop in town here in Columbus (Three sisters Pie Company) as part of a monthly public seminar program organized by Dr....

Teaching award for skulls

Teaching award for skulls

After a busy first month of fall semester, we got some very exciting news! I was awarded some funds though a MUW APIL Teaching Innovation Grant. APIL stands for active, problem-based, inquiry-based learning. I'll be purchasing a set of replica primate and extinct...

Evolution 2019 and AMNH visit

Evolution 2019 and AMNH visit

I arrived home this week from Providence, RI after attending this year's Evolution conference. It was a really great time! After taking last year off to move to Mississippi, it was really nostalgic seeing all of my old Idaho friends, with each one having moved upwards...

New lab photography equipment

New lab photography equipment

Finally got a chance to try out the new Olympus lab camera! I'm definitely not a photographer and am uncomfortable even pretending to be one, so I'm really proud of how these turned out! The macro lens made a huge difference. Here you can see how rough Snipe's toe are...

MUW Online Research Profiles

MUW Online Research Profiles

Check our the MUW online profiles featuring our research! MUW's office of undergraduate research puts together profiles on students and faculty doing research. Not only was I featured in a "Spotlight on Faculty Researchers" profile, but three of my students were...