New Hope middle school science night

New Hope middle school science night

Last week we had the privilege of participating in New Hope middle school’s 2023 STEAM night! It was great having students Kayla Redmond and Karen Saffold help out! Our booth was a huge success. We had our clothes pin bird game where kids try to eat large and...
Fossil Hunt at Plymouth Bluff

Fossil Hunt at Plymouth Bluff

Before we get buried in another fall session, I was able to make a quick trip to Plymouth Bluff. I want to thank Amy Moe-Hoffman from Mississippi State University for taking the time and showing me how to look for fossils! We we able to find this really cool late...
MUW TikTok video on Geico gecko

MUW TikTok video on Geico gecko

Working with our university photographer, I recorded two videos forĀ TikTokĀ and for Facebook! The Geico gecko, which is based on a real life species, the Madagascar giant day gecko (Phelsuma grandis) has three inaccuracies. Can you guess what they are?...
Aberdeen high school summer enrichment program

Aberdeen high school summer enrichment program

This week I had the awesome opportunity to work with the teachers, staff, and principal at Aberdeen High School here in Mississippi as part of their Summer Enrichment Program. To make up for missing out on in-person opportunities Aberdeen high school students...