This spring I had a great time presenting research and education material at a handful of venues. I presented some of my summer research investigating Hawaiian lizards as part of the MUW Science and Mathematics seminar (SM100) How Lizards Use Their Habitat: Rough vs Smooth. This is very similar to previous presentations I gave at SICB, and the MUW Provost’s Faculty Symposium. I also presented this project at the Association of Southeastern Biologists conference in Memphis.This conference was a great time. Working with another MUW faculty, we brought 10 MUW undergraduates with us for their first introduction to a professional scientific conference. Luckily we had funding to support travel for everyone from the MUW science department and the Mississippi Space Grant Consortium. Lastly,
I also presented at the Mississippi Academy of Sciences conference, sharing my evolution-themed classroom activity for teaching evolution to high school and up. These conferences and presentations were a great chance to experience some of the local regional conferences the south as to offer and I am looking forward to presenting my Hawaii work again at the Evolution conference next month.