NASA NIFTY space science course

NASA NIFTY space science course

Last week, we completed our 5-day, summer course for middle school kids at Plymouth Bluff! With our funding from the NASA Inspires Futures for Tomorrow’s Youth (NIFTY), program, we were able to make this space science course free for participants! We had a total of 25...
New crested geckos

New crested geckos

This week I received two new members of the lab. Two crested geckos! Graciously donated by Dr. Jeff Jenovets from Mississippi School for Mathematics and Science. They have a bight new enclosure...
Junco paper

Junco paper

I’m very excited to share a publication that recently came out! It was a project by Joel Slade and Danielle Whittaker that I was invited to help with at Mountain Lake Biological Station back in 2018. We were looking at how migratory and resident Junco birds may...