Travis Hagey’s lab

Skype a scientist 2019

Skype a scientist 2019

It's that time of year again for Skype a Scientist! This spring so far I've chatted with 2nd graders in Tennessee and 3rd graders in Virginia and am scheduled for 3 more classes this spring! These quick Skype sessions are such a great time! Last class I explained that...

Science bowls

Science bowls

I had the great opportunity this semester to be involved with the Mississippi Regional middle school science bowl as a volunteer judge and the regional High School science bowl as a timekeeper. These were both new outreach experiences for me. The students competing at...

Individual student whiteboards

Individual student whiteboards

We were lucky enough to receive funding from the Mississippi University for Women Fund B Foundation Faculty Development Funds to support classroom materials. With these funds, we purchased a set of whiteboards for students to use in lecture and lab.    ...

Lizards in the lab

Lizards in the lab

This semester we have added some lizards to the lab! We'll be using these animals mainly as ambassadors during our school science nights or public events. Although we may take some measurements from them along the way. We have two introduced Mediterranean house geckos...

SICB 2019

SICB 2019

I had a great time this year at SICB in Tampa. The gecko symposium was really amazing. It was inspiring and anxiety-induing to see all the awesome work that the rest of the gecko community is doing. I received a lot of great interest and feedback on my poster! Which...