Senior Seminar Fall 2024 poster session

Senior Seminar Fall 2024 poster session

In addition to all of our guest speakers in our Senior Seminar course for Biology majors (BS 400), last week students presented posters they had made to other students and faculty in the department. As the students’ final project in the course, students found a...
MAS 2024

MAS 2024

Working with Dr. Burnes, we brought 11 of his bioinformatics students to the 2024 Mississippi Academy of Sciences conference in Hattiesburg. They all presented posters sharing class projects they had been working on. I also presented a poster on a collaboration...
BSB 360 Biomechanics poster session

BSB 360 Biomechanics poster session

Today students in my Comparative Biomechanics course presented posters summarizing published studies they researched related to biomechanics concepts we covered in class. Our audience were students in our SM100 seminar course. All the students did great presenting...
NASA NIFTY space science course

NASA NIFTY space science course

Last week, we completed our 5-day, summer course for middle school kids at Plymouth Bluff! With our funding from the NASA Inspires Futures for Tomorrow’s Youth (NIFTY), program, we were able to make this space science course free for participants! We had a total of 25...
MUW TikTok video on Geico gecko

MUW TikTok video on Geico gecko

Working with our university photographer, I recorded two videos for TikTok and for Facebook! The Geico gecko, which is based on a real life species, the Madagascar giant day gecko (Phelsuma grandis) has three inaccuracies. Can you guess what they are?...
Semester research and BS 400 posters

Semester research and BS 400 posters

Fall 2021 has been a busy semester! As we’re reaching the end, we have fun exciting updates. This semester I’ve had four research students working on various toe pad projects, including Alicia Jefferson, Alaina Dawkins, Jenny McCann, measuring a preserved...